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Call for Short Essays for


Education, Uncertainty and the Changing Nature of Society​



The Centre for Comparative and International Education in the Department of Education, University of Oxford, in partnership with the Aga Khan Foundation and the Global Centre for Pluralism announces its 2nd Oxford Symposium for Comparative and International Education (OXSCIE).


OXSCIE is organised around high-level round table discussions at which one or more short papers are shared and discussed. Round tables are small, consisting of no more than 20 delegates and the ethos is that of discussion on the topic of the papers, rather than on formal presentations by power point.


We invite short essays of between 1,500 and 3,000 words about, ‘Uncertainty and the Changing Nature of Society, and the implications thereof for Education’. The deadline for submission is 20th May 2018. 


The rapidly changing shape of the global political landscape has created for people everywhere uncertainties about their social, economic, demographic and climatological futures and the question for OXSCIE 2018, is:


‘How can we, through education, best shape and sustain a society that is at once plural and cosmopolitan, prosperous and inclusive, fair and responsible, and cohesive?’

OXSCIE 2018 seeks thoughtful essays from scholars across the social sciences, arts and humanities, business schools, and medical and engineering sciences. OXSCIE is interested also in essays from practitioners, policy-makers, and philanthropists.



Individuals from a wide variety of backgrounds, including the physical, natural and social sciences, as well as the humanities and the arts, are encouraged to submit essays.  


The round table sessions at which selected essays are discussed will be organised around the following broad themes. Please feel free to select one or more of the prompts below to frame your short essay:


  • The implications for education as ever changing external influences and uncertainties threaten the nature of society and the shared future of its citizens.


  • The impact of uncertainty and the changing nature of society on schools, teachers and families during the first decade of children’s lives and learning transitions.


  • The impact of uncertainty and the changing nature of society on young people in respect to their social and cultural choices, transitions in and between education, and/or employment and livelihoods during their second decade of life.



Please refer to the concept notes on the OXSCIE website ( for more background information.





The Centre for Comparative and International Education, in partnership with the Aga Khan Foundation and the Global Centre for Pluralism, is pleased to announce a scholarship fund to support innovative thinking, research, and scholarship on the topic of Uncertainty and Education.


This year, 26 awards will be made in recognition of promising ideas that contribute to our thinking about the nature of education in an uncertain world. These ‘Oxford University Scholarships in Comparative and International Education’ enable individuals working in or on education from across a wide range of constituencies and disciplines, to participate in the annual 2018 Oxford Symposium in Comparative and International Education (OXSCIE). Ideas in the form of short essays (as per the criteria above) will be considered for receiving the scholarship and will be discussed in the Symposium. A number of these essays will be selected for further development into published papers.

The awards will be granted by the OXSCIE Organizing Committee as follows:


A. For successful authors submitting papers from the UK and Europe: £500

  • £250 Scholarship Honorarium

  • £250 Travel Reimbursement Fund

B. For successful authors submitting papers from non-UK and European countries: £750


  • £250 Scholarship Honorarium

  • £500 Travel Reimbursement Fund


C. For successful authors submitting from low-income countries: £1000


  • £250 GBP Scholarship Honorarium

  • £750 GBP Travel Reimbursement Fund




May 20, 2018 | 5:00 PM CET. Please note that successful papers will be accepted on a rolling basis. We especially encourage scholars who will need VISA support letters to submit as early as possible for consideration by the organizing committee. 




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